Homecoming Week!

Homecoming week is here! This week four different schools are getting ready for this popular event. They will go through pep rallies, powder puff games, crowning homecoming kings and queens, and the exciting football game. Most students anticipate this week with asking each other to this dance with cute, quirky signs and small gifts. Others get fired up by school spirit and have spirit weeks to get ready for the football game.
All these schools alike, get ready for this dance but why do they care so much? We did a poll to see if students like or dislike homecoming more and most of our responses were either dislike it because they thought it was going to be lame, boring, and have no good music. Or on the complete opposite side kids like dressing up, hanging out with friends, and the tradition to generate school spirit. There are two completely different sides to the argument to whether going to homecoming is worth it or not. It’s really all up to opinion, but we’ll see some of you at the game!


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